Stellaris tracking vs accuracy. Every so often, I'll need to focus on shields and use Shield Capacitors or Reactor Boosters, but mostly it's either Fire Control or Hull Tissue. Stellaris tracking vs accuracy

 Every so often, I'll need to focus on shields and use Shield Capacitors or Reactor Boosters, but mostly it's either Fire Control or Hull TissueStellaris tracking vs accuracy 7 - well known mod, creates more variety of solar systems and enhances stars and nebulas

In statistical terms, accuracy is an absence of bias. Assuming L-Lasers (aka: 5% tracking), your breakeven point with Tachyon Sensors is 45% evasion. Accuracy is just the weapon's chance to hit a target before tracking and evasion are considered. Now, I remember a lot of moaning at the time, and to be clear, I have no actual issue with that mechanic. (Skip to the 3rd post if you don't like maths) Idea: Change Evasion and Tracking to an array of values instead of a single additive value. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. The area provides access to several key points, including: terraforming capabilities, uplift capabilities, genetic modification capabilities,. In other words: trust in-game tooltips. Was doing some achievement clean-up (so, ironman, no mods), and decided to buy a PoI from the curators. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. For reference they have 90% accuracy. It ain't even close in the DPS department. what gives accuracy and tracking in weapons ??? Iniciar sessão Loja Início Fila de Descoberta Lista de Desejos Loja de Pontos Notícias EstatísticasIs there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. The difference between chance to hit and tracking is that chance to hit affects your chance to hit a target that has no evasion, it is added together with the weapons' accuracy. 3. I went to my situation log, clicked the "Track on Map" button, and. So if you’re using low tracking weapons (big guns) the Auxiliary Fire-Control might help you to hit the lighter ship types (corvettes and destroyers). Tracking Implants Should Increase Stability. Created by SethSteiner. Subjugation is the best coop mode. My current understanding of the system is basically Tracking goes against Evasion and the remainder is played against a ships Accuracy which in turn give the total Chance to Hit. Could someone explain me in short how these three parameters affect the chance to hit a target? For example, a ship (evasion 40%) is. For reference they have 90% accuracy. With energy weapons. Of course, it doesn't take accuracy. Test setup: 40 fleetcap worth of all 4 vessel classes in 2 variants: shielded and unshielded. I posted the above text on the Stellaris subreddit, and as someone else there pointed out - combat, at least in the early game, is lasting much longer than it used to, presumably due to the very high number of attacks being evaded. Chance to hit = Accuracy (0-100) - max {0, Evasion (0-90)-Tracking} + Bonus Chance to Hit. They are modular in nature, which means that a player can choose to play with or without a given DLC by checking them out at the launch menu. Originally posted by pete3great: A 7:3 ratio is the meta, with 3 being the carrier/point defense. Every so often, I'll need to focus on shields and use Shield Capacitors or Reactor Boosters, but mostly it's either Fire Control or Hull Tissue. Lasers tend to have slightly better neutral damage, accuracy and tracking than plasma with -50% to shields and +50% to armor. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. This is an updated version of Extra Events by Bürgermeister (followed by neptunehs' unofficial fix) updated for Stellaris 3. can't be understated. Each variant is in its own fleet so I can track damage. What does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?What does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Missiles will often target the same target and choose another target within missiles re-engagement distance if the old target gets killed before the missile reaches it. ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio. ) So early game, flak has 50% tracking while corvettes have 60% evasion; meaning only 1 in 10 shots is lost to evasion. scouts beat all other strike craft in a 1v1 engagement where there are no other factors that might influence the outcome. So yes, against targets with no armor (and it really does have to be no armor, even a small amount will make Torpedoes better since the damage advantage against hull is very small) the Marauder Missile deals more damage. On battleships, late in the game. So, use large weapons, the station uses medium weapons itself so it can take care of small targets with tracking buffs. Ascension Perks: Technological Ascendancy: +10 % research speed. I want to theorycraft to see if it's worthwhile to put enigmatic…A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Fleet power is a heuristic estimate of how powerful a fleet is, and has no actual effect on combat whatsoever. Tracking: How much of the target's evasion the weapon will ignore when firing at its target. 7 DPS and have +25% vs hull for a total of 18. In theory that is 1 PD to counter. I read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?So it's my understanding that PD works better against missiles because of higher dps and no evasion on the missiles and Flak works better against strike craft because of high tracking against high evasion. But in most scenarios, the fleet will have higher total health and DPS, while the ship higher range and accuracy. EG Multicoloured Galaxy Texture - gives colours and texture to the galaxy instead of it being a blank veil. I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. Accuracy is the base chance to hit. So yes, against targets with no armor (and it really does have to be no armor, even a small amount will make Torpedoes better since the damage advantage against hull is very small) the Marauder Missile deals more damage. 10 Continued. Plasma has -75% to shields and +100% armor and +50% hull. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. One last move in to just 1,000 km (1/300th of a light-second) and bringing the turret around 90 degrees needs to take less than a second. Certain weapons are easier to aim than others. So, 95% evasion vs 5% tracking isn't 90% evasion, it's 85% since you lose the extra evasion before tracking gets counted. 3. Kimmaz. Moving twice as fast puts your accuracy at 0%, and being stationary just rocks you - talking battleships instant killing corvettes. What does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. The bigger weapons do more damage but have much less accuracy and tracking. (also rare tech cahnce helps with later perks) Enigmatic. Does this give me 110% accuracy before evasion?…Added 3 new Society techs that give upgraded capital buildings progressively larger bonuses to production (while also increasing job upkeep). The SNPLine PCR genotyping system was designed to. I read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?I read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?I read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. SC are the best pd but can be tricked a little bit to not shoot at missiles if there are enough enemy strike craft to distract your own. So, neutrons are only worse against extra heavily armored targets. If there are loose resources, floating. At the end game, flak is nearly useless because the tracking enhancement from the computer alone pushes the 'autocannons' high enough to remain effective against even the most nimble strike craft, and you want them to target missiles first anyway. Torpedoes have 17. Go to Stellaris r/Stellaris. Fitbit Luxe Fitness and Wellness Tracker — $99. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Our upcoming VR action roguelite title Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game is supporting Hand Tracking 2. Once a battle is initiated, both fleets are committed to the encounter until one side retreats or is destroyed. 4 carriers, 22 artillery battleships and a titan is a solid fleet composition for late game. So increasing your chance to hit and increasing your tracking both have a fantastic effect on your. . . All the caps are factored in at the designer, and then affected after the fact in combat. 0 but I didn't think to save links to the relevant threads at the time. This page was last edited on 21 April 2017, at 08:46. but i can't find that one single thing on the whole internet :D Are "chance to hit" bonuses giving you percentage numbers? I mean, does "chance to hit: +5" actually add 5% to the accuracy? So if I have 90% accuracy and then add two Auxiliaries which both give "chance to hit. Their range is better (120 vs 80) and cooldown is 5 sec instead of 17,1, but tracking is 5% instead of 10 and damage is 135-175 instead of 275-445. Just small slots though, the medium lasers can't compete with plasma. But PD have 10% tracking; so 1 in 2 (50%) miss; this is why the superior DPS is poorer than the tracking in this case. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. For reference they have 90% accuracy. With new megastructure and defensive perk, you will be able to put 6 ion cannons with this range +4 small platforms, or 52 small platforms (104 L weapons, 17 battleships L slots) Vs. Stellaris [official site] is one of the most eagerly awaited strategy games in years. 0OUT NOW on Quest 2: content (DLC) is content built by Paradox Development Studio (PDS) as an extension or add-on to Stellaris. - the outfit of a chiss general (male and fem. Put + tracking pieces in the auxiliary slots. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. EDIT: If I get the Enigmatic Decoder from the Enigmatic. So fleet would be very likely to win. This page was last edited on 17 April 2021, at 08:22. For reference they have 90% accuracy. I read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?Stellaris was, at one period, one of my all time favourite strategy games, and has given me two of my favourite campaigns of all time. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. 7. Accuracy is the base chance to hit. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Question When designing ships, is accuracy capped at 100%, or can it go above that? Say I had a ship with weapons that had 80% accuracy, and a ship computer that added +20%. The strength of the fleet academy bonus is inversely proportional to the starting accuracy and tracking of a weapon. Stellaris Real-time strategy Strategy video game Gaming. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Interceptor vs Gunship Destroyer: 0:3 Destroyer victory. 2. I've been looking for the exact stats on the Titan laser and I can't find them. . Strike craft are generally more effective against missiles than PD (generic term for P-slot weapons), owing to their perfect accuracy, high tracking, high DPS, and the ability to engage from much further out. It says to double engagement range. A study on Missile/Hangars vs Point Defense/Flak in 3. 0) Number of years since game start is greater. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Also while playing against starnet fleets, me with lancer and they with giga canons i got obligatet verry hard. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. What tracking does is that it reduces the evasion of a target. is that thing reliable?. Also, apparently flak cannons kill strike craft and point defense kill missiles? Small weapons vs Large weapons accuracy vs defense. So in come cases it might act as tracking instead of accuracy. In Stellaris's case, the math isn't as clean. First Contact. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. EDIT: If I get the Enigmatic Decoder from the Enigmatic. • 6 yr. I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. Edit: in your example chance to hit is 80. Twixt App. Certain weapons are easier to aim than others. Having said that, the Stellaris are even brighter, with a thinner note weight!Stellaris: Suggestions. Especially against corvettes which have high baseline evade. The Chance to hit is calculated out of Evasion, Accuracy and. Can't exceed 100% on that terms if I recall correctly. Accuracy is capped at 100. Can confirm that this was tested shortly after 2. Can’t vouch for the other one though. I'm not sure I fully comprehend how accuracy and tracking works. Point Defense does more damage per shot - its better at actually destroying incoming attackers because it kills them in less hits, giving them less of an opportunity to damage your fleet - if it hits, which is the critical distinction. If your weapon has accuracy 70 but 0 tracking, and the enemy has 60% evasion (common for corvettes), that means only 10% of your shots are. You trade 1. Missiles are kinda bad all around currently. So, 95% evasion vs 5% tracking isn't 90% evasion, it's 85% since you lose the extra evasion before tracking gets counted. The data below is a daily average over seven days of sleep tracking, where both devices tracked sleep cycles on the same nights. NMCs could potentially have a harder tech path (though Swarmers as a T2 tech only need 2 picks and 7500 Engineering, Whirlwinds as T4 need just 3 picks but 27500 Engineering and then figuring out how to get VMs), have less Range, less Tracking, do less base damage in 2 S-slots than SWMs in 1 M-slot (slight vs. 0) Number of years since game start is lower than 5 (×2. Redirect page. Small weapons vs Large weapons accuracy vs defense. The standard and generally most powerful battleship build, which does well in every single scenario in a single player game of stellaris, is giga cannon + 4 proton launchers. 8 version in the Properties -> Beta window. Read Space 3. Evasion vs Accuracy Evasion and accuracy work together to result in a single to-hit chance, where your percent chance to hit is {accuracy. The Stellaris™ FISH technology is a new mRNA detection method that enables simultaneous detection, localization and quantification of individual RNA molecules at the cellular level. The SNPline workflow consists of all instruments, software, and validated procedures needed to establish a highly cost-effective, flexible, and scalable PCR-based genotyping solution. If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy? Войти Магазин Главная Рекомендации Список желаемого Магазин очков Новости СтатистикаI read in the wiki that it cancels Evasion, but how does that work? If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy?I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. Laser - 30% Tracking. . Discover buried treasures and galactic wonders as you spin a direction for your. However, there is a little bit of rock-paper-scissors in the combat that means a strong fleet can lose to a weaker one if they are a counter. The current formula is closer to how EVE does it, where accuracy is listed as "tracking" - it measures the degrees of a circle that the gun can trace in a unit of time. For S slot weapons the difference is reasonably big, but on M and L the difference is huge. These measurements are quite accurate because they are very close to the correct value of 11. Missiles: long range and high damage, but can be intercepted by point defenses. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Marauder Missiles deal 14. It works something like this: Evasion Factor = Target Ship Evasion - Attacking Weapon Tracking If Evasion Factor < 0, Evasion Factor = 0 Actual Accuracy = Chance to Hit - Evasion Factor If Random number from 0 - 100 <= Actual Accuracy, it's a hit. We estimate the accuracy of acoustic trian-gulation relative to observers, bird distance, boom quality, and meteorological conditions through 20 field trials involving 17 booming bitterns and six observers. The larger the slot of the weapon, the higher the range and total damage over time, and tracking gets worse. For reference they have 90% accuracy. The lance has 85% accuracy and 0 tracking. What does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?Vs. Use one of the combat computers that grants accuracy and/or tracking. 8%. Interact with diverse alien races, discover strange new worlds with unexpected events and expand the reach of your empire. 2C Evasion. The Stellaris features a detachable cable with the 0. Another possibly strong strategy is going pure destroyers. I think it's kinda lame, but that's how they coded it. But PD have 10% tracking; so 1 in 2 (50%) miss; this is why the superior DPS is poorer than the tracking in this case. Tracking comes primarily from the weapon stats as well. 470. look dangerous. The game fails to take advantage of the VR presentation. (×1. Weapons tend to have either fairly good accuracy and low tracking, or medium accuracy and a lot of tracking. Best. Can confirm that this was tested shortly after 2. . Same reason as above. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Plus, it inflicts more damage beyond one‘s maximum range, wreak havoc, and retreat to minimum waste, to force the foes to retreat. Laser - 30% Tracking, 85% accuracy Lrg. What does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. The first number is accuracy. 3. And even aux tracking comp in your case will be benificial. So imagine a corvette has 90% base evasion. Timbral accuracy is acceptable, as is the level of presence. . I think it's kinda lame, but that's how they coded it. That is, "Chance to Hit" is really accuracy and 100%. The Apple Watch shows more light or core sleep and less deep. If chance to hit would bring accuracy above 100%, it is wasted. I usually do Auxiliary Fire-Control unless I'm running something that already has max accuracy (in which case I'll do Regenerative Hull Tissue). Be it in research, utility slots, power and alloys spent. 375 DPS to hull. 7 DPS and have +25% vs hull for a total of 18. This means that large weapons - with a poor Tracking value - will still be very effective against large ships like cruisers or battleships, but almost useless against small ships like corvettes due to their high evasion. Use the 1M stern on ships that aren't using the 2P stern, if I know that the enemy fleet is mostly low-evasion destroyers too. I'm not very familiar with stellaris combat mechanics, so I'm not sure how to value these stats. . Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. 1. . Chance to hit enemy = Accuracy - Max(Evasion - Tracking; 0). Marauder Missiles deal 14. This was all before the patch that made star lanes compulsory. Nov 4, 2018 @ 7:38am I used Leaders with that +20% range bonus to make. The stated progression for Flak is shown on the Wiki as T0 Flak Battery, T 3 (6000) Flak Cannon, T4 (16000) Flak Artillery. Would would win? One space station boi or two x100 Prethoryn Scourge. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Which they do prioritize, but it doesn't effectively do so due to short range. Expensive and time-consuming to build or repair, these remarkable feats of engineering are nonetheless important wonders that provide large bonuses, demonstrating the technological and economic primacy of the builders' empire. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Average losses: 33:45. Thanks to the medium weapons, unlike the popular opinion of small weapons vs corvette spam, you should have a decent range advantage over those Corvettes, so you can swat quite a few. And then I did the same test again, but this time without armor, no shield too. I'll take 10 tracking over 5% weapons range and fire rate on artillery computers every day of the week. The prices and upkeep. . However, +5 stability would not only make tracking implants. Evasion is capped before tracking - there is no point in trying to boost evasion past 90%. When in combat, every military ship will advance to within a certain distance of its target and fire its weapons. Flak does less damage per shot, in contrast, but is far better at tracking, which makes it better at. Base accuracy depends on the weapon type. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. nothing. Track on Map Not Working. Fleet power is an attempt to combine all of those many factors into a single number to enable players to more. 75%; 70% accuracy, 30% tracking vs 80% evasion = (1- (80%-30%)) x 70% =. Of course, it doesn't take accuracy. The second number is 100 - (evasion - tracking). The Flak Battery costs 8 alloys, has 5 power, an average damage per hit of 1-3 (2. Last edited by HugsAndSnuggles; Nov 4, 2018 @ 5:12am #2. you'd think this renders small guns entirely useless. I reloaded an old save and replayed a 500k vs 500k battle, and won with 300k left. Evasion is capped at 90% *before it gets used, * meaning that having over 90% evasion doesn't help with providing a bullet sponge for tracking. The lasers have 20 more tracking and 10% worse accuracy, but since your small weapons are ideally firing on smaller ships anyways this can be useful (if my. But the Flak Battery has 50% tracking vs Sentinel's 10%. Tracking depends on the weapon size and type, computer and sensors. Nobody has been able to solve this so far. But that's going to be difficult for X-slotted Battleships (perhaps one of the reasons they don't turn away?). Yours will have a 60-75% chance to hit, depending on tracking and accuracy and ect. One last move in to just 1,000 km (1/300th of a light-second) and bringing the turret around 90 degrees needs to take less than a second. At 90% evasion 60% tracking, there’s a 45% chance to hit with small weapons. If it's a fast alpha strike engagement then artillery will work best, but if it's a long drawn out shootout then line will work best. The cable is of typical quality for the price tag, not bad but nothing special to talk about. Only by about . They’ll have an average 75% chance to hit, minus (evasion - tracking), to a minimum of 0, so tracking can’t grant extra accuracy. Ship AI in stellaris is fairly smart. So if tracking and evasion are equal then, yes, chance to hit would be equal to the weapon accuracy. . Note that "Precognative Line" has +15 chance to hit and +10 Tracking, though only +15% fire rate. where only thing that matters is caauracy+tracking vs evasion. Best. The tracking. How soon you can start shooting. I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. 0 unless otherwise noted. So that 70% chance to hit with no tracking becomes something like 20% against a vette. developing a strong economy3. I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. So that 70% chance to hit with no tracking becomes something like 20% against a vette. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Combat begins in Stellaris whenever a fleet comes within weapons range of hostile vessels. This mode is primarily intended for teaching new players or for lower. Third destroyer fleet lost 19 ships and the remaining hull was 38. cation, the accuracy of which can be estimated using mathematical models developed for ra-dio-tracking data (White and Garrott 1990). "Line Cruiser" are better at accuracy vs foes with 44% evasion, while "Picket Cruiser" will have better accuracy vs foes with 46% evasion. The 100% penetration bonus (vs 60%) makes up for the difference in base damage. Weapons with high accuracy tend to have comparatively low damage or other weaknesses. Lance: For every 20 shots, 3. I'm currently playing with some ship designs and I know how accuracy and tracking works. The opposing ship had 30% Evasion. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Even a max evasion corvette only reduces your accuracy by only 5%. In Stellaris, players take control of an interstellar civilization on the galactic stage and are tasked with exploring, colonizing, and managing their region of the galaxy, encountering other civilizations that. Tracking reduces the enemy Evasion. The big space sandbox has a lot to offer, but it's completely understandable if you've tried the game or watched. AI fleets in large gravity well you need 1 ion cannon to force engagement and fill out the rest with neutron/kinetic arty combo depending on what is needed. For reference they have 90% accuracy. So accuracy is base chance to hit, Evasion is reducing it, and Tracking is countering Evasion (only counter, it will never increase your chance to hit if Tracking >> enemy Evasion). The Stellaris effectively replaces the MOONDROP Starfield, hence also the space theme and design here, and uses custom-developed planar magnetic drivers in a fairly unique form factor. For reference they have 90% accuracy. There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the individual and their specific goals for taking over Star Stellaris. Torpedo corvette swarms can counter artillery battleships, but hangars counter corvettes, so a fleet of 70% artillery battleships and 30% carrier battleships will counter corvettes and have a lot of firepower for anything else. If my wep has 40% tracking and enemie has 40% evasion, that cancels it and I will always hit it? no matter my acuaracy? Đăng nhập Cửa hàng Trang chủ Hàng khám phá Danh sách ước Cửa hàng điểm Tin tức Thống kêBeautiful Universe. 0. 4. The final "hit chance" is calculated from a combination of tracking Vs evasion (Chance a shot is evaded) and accuracy (Chance a shot just straight up misses). 6. As such, the #1 strategy is to spy on enemies until you can see their fleet designs, and then build (and/or upgrade your ships) into an effective counter. In other words, measurements are not systematically too high or too low. Fleet power is a heuristic estimate of how powerful a fleet is, and has no actual effect on combat whatsoever. Stellaris doesn't work that way. The Sentinel Point Defense does 1-4 damage vs Flak Battery's 1-3, so I'm inclined to pick the energy PD over the kinetic PD. For reference they have 90% accuracy. Put + tracking pieces in the auxiliary slots. Explore a galaxy full of wonders in this sci-fi grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studios. Same reason as above. . 100 - (70 - 20) = 50%. 06 damage to hull. Missiles, tracking, and retargetting. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Society research area is composed mainly of the fields: Biology, Military Theory, New Worlds, Statecraft and Psionics. 4 carriers, 22 artillery battleships and a titan is a solid fleet composition for late game. Why no just uncap accuracy and allow values over 100%? It seems odd to just have tertiary and quaternary factors of tracking and Bonus Chance to Hit. Whats the point in having two Techs that do the same? Both target Strike Craft and Missiles Both have the same. Still, this means the early game narrows into a galactic land grab – which is true of most 4X games to some extent, but especially so here. Nobody gives a shit about decreasing crime 95% of the time and a -10 to crime is so useless that the single click it would take to activate would still be a waste of time. You can also use "ai" to turn off AI, then "play 0" and "play 1" to switch between different players and command. You get +5 additively to the accuracy part of the equation with this component. Plasma however gets a 75% damage reduction vs shields whereas lasers only get 50% reduction. what gives accuracy and tracking in weapons ???Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Strike Craft (still) have 100% accuracy, a very rapid rate-of-attack (every 2. Their range is better (120 vs 80) and cooldown is 5 sec instead of 17,1, but tracking is 5% instead of 10 and damage is 135-175 instead of 275-445. It can track stress 24/7 (if that interests you), although this is turned off by default – and will inevitably hit the battery if you turn it on. Add a Comment. The 100% penetration bonus (vs 60%) makes up for the difference in base damage. Accuracy: The base chance of the weapon hitting a target, assuming the target has 0% evasion. Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game is, in a word, disappointing. "Line Cruiser" are better at accuracy vs foes with 44% evasion, while "Picket Cruiser" will have better accuracy vs foes with 46% evasion. The S12 Pro are a V-shaped pair. In theory that is 1 PD to counter about 8 of your torpedos; in practice due to tracking and range, it’s closer to 1:4. what gives accuracy and tracking in weapons ???I've done a little searching and found conflicting evidence, and no recent tests so can someone help me out please? Chance to hit = Accuracy - ( Evasion - Tracking ) Now Evasion is capped at 90 but is that 90 total? Or 90 effective? Meaning if I have a base evasion of 105 do I negate 15 points of tracking? Or is that 15 points of wasted Evasion?. Evade subtracts directly from hit chance. 122 comments. Complex77 • Maintenance Drone • 4 yr. The only exception is Carrier-type computers, where Sapient is better. Also, evasions is capped at 90. Can anyone tell me what “chance to hit”, “chance to evade”, “tracking”, “evasion”, and “accuracy” are, and how they all relate to each other? Title says it all… I can’t find clarification on those stats anywhere It works something like this: Evasion Factor = Target Ship Evasion - Attacking Weapon Tracking If Evasion Factor < 0, Evasion Factor = 0 Actual Accuracy = Chance to Hit - Evasion Factor If Random number from 0 - 100 <= Actual Accuracy, it's a hit. So 70% evasion. 6 will mess that up. I'm not sure I fully comprehend how accuracy and tracking works. Stellaris vs Dioko: Bass: Owing to the much more detailed bass performance of the Dioko, it gets the preference as the as the Stellaris bass is quite lean. Chance to hit = Accuracy (0-100) - max {0, Evasion (0-90)-Tracking} + Bonus Chance to Hit. My apology if this has been answered before. There is no point to Proactive stance. The gameplay is solid, even if it is simple, but feels held back by the technology. Autocannons are close range shield shredders. Base accuracy depends on the weapon type. Thread starter Dragatus; Start date Jun 22, 2019; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our. Project time tracking is a continuous process that involves regular monitoring, reporting and analysis of the time spent on tasks. For example, precog line computer gives 15 accuracy, resulting in 105%. Subscribe to downloadExtra Events 3. Your actual hit rate is: accuracy - ( [evasion - tracking; this term inside the square brackets can't be more than 90 or less than 0]). All the caps are factored in at the designer, and then affected after the fact in combat. ) So early game, flak has 50% tracking while corvettes have 60% evasion; meaning only 1 in 10 shots is lost to evasion. Easy things to boost research: Build more research buildings/jobs. what gives accuracy and tracking in weapons ??? Đăng nhập Cửa hàng Trang chủ Hàng khám phá Danh sách ước Cửa hàng điểm Tin tức Thống kêWhat does the tracking stat of a weapon stand for ?Is there a point to using Proton Torpedos? I'm not sure how the game calculates evasion chance but having 0% tracking sounds exceptionally terrible. They cannot be built in orbit of a celestial body that has an. So a weapon with 200% accuracy and 0% tracking would only. lasers vs plasma, they are bot anti-armor weapons, the difference is that lasers are to be used on smaller ships (corvettes and destroyers) while plasma on larger ships (cruisers and battleships), this is because of tracking stat, lasers have high tracking thus fitted against smaller ships, while plasma has low tracking which is best against.